Good morning, I hope everyone had a nice holiday. I will be sending another e-mail later today about an upcoming trip. Please keep an eye out as I will need a response to it by the end of the week.
Friday, December 1- Regular Troop Meeting at 7:30
Greenbar meeting at 6:30. All Greenbar members are expected to attend.
We will be working on cold weather camping skills
Class A uniforms
Service Patrol- Striling Cobras
Program Patrol- Sly Foxes
December Camping Trip- LAST CALL. The Senior Patrol changed this from a 14 and older trip to a high school student trip. We will be camping at Pouch Camp from December 9-10. The is a one-night trip in lean tos/tents. You must be in high school to attend. Cost is $25. Permission slip is attached. Payment is due by this Friday, December 1.
January Camping Trip- We will be cabin camping at Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco in Hardwick New Jersey from Friday, January 12 to Sunday, January 14. This trip is back by popular demand, as No-Be-Bo-Sco is where the legendary horror movie, Friday the 13th was filmed and which we watched on last year’s trip as one of the 2 cabins we reserved is in the movie. Given this, on Saturday night, we will be showing Friday the 13th Part 2 in that cabin. With the understanding that not every parent will want their scout to watch the movie, we will have an alternate movie/event in the other cabin for those not wanting to watch Jason and company. On the attached permission slip, there is a line to give or withhold permission to watch the movie. Please make sure you check it. Cost is $35 and payment is due by January 5, 2024. Please also note that we will be doing the same hike we did on this trip last year. The hike is only a little over 3 miles, however it is a little strenuous.
Upcoming Events
Friday, December 1- Regular Troop Meeting at 7:30
Thursday, December 7- Parent’s Committee Meeting at 7:30
Friday, December 8- Regular Troop Meeting at 7:30 - Payment Due, high school student trip
Saturday, December 9-Sunday December 10- high school student trip- Pouch Camp
Friday, December 15- Troop 37 Christmas Party- Lower Church Hall- 7:30
Thursday, January 4- Parent’s Committee Meeting at 7:30
Friday, January 5- Regular Troop Meeting at 7:30-Payment due No-Be-Bo-Sco
Friday, January 12-Sunday, January 14- No-Be-Bo-Sco Trip
Rob Pfuhler
Scoutmaster, Troop 37